The Mansart Foundation is an umbrella foundation which aims to conserve and promote French heritage.

Our actions go from the restoration of the castle and the Trianon de Bagatelle, the Villa Windsor, and the castle of Maintenon, to the Friends of the Center Pompidou, the Friends of the Museum of Modern Art of Paris, of the National Domain of Chambord, etc. 

On our various heritage sites, the Foundation today manages a large collection of archives and art objects. Our collections are presented to a wide audience every year.

The national interest of the Foundation's commitment to serving the common good was recognised by the State, with the mission of preserving and bringing to life heritage of great interest, whether natural, historical or contemporary.

In 2023, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Foundation.

With your help, we will be able to protect and take care of these unique places and their environment, so that everyone today can benefit from them, as well as the future generations to come.

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Our Foundation, recognized for its public mission, thanks you for your support. Recent events have highlighted how much we all need to reconnect with our beautiful heritage, be it natural, cultural, or historical. Your donation today will help keep this heritage alive and open to everyone.

Albéric de Montgolfier
Chairman of the Mansart Foundation